Women can suffer from infertility as a result of modern lifestyle and stress. Keeping your body in shape can be crucial if you are trying to conceive. You can combine yoga and other fertility treatments, under your doctor’s advice to achieve the desired results. To help us understand which yoga poses can be beneficial to increase fertility we spoke to Radhika Iyer, Founder of Raa Foundation & Anahata Organics. She is a Yogini, Mountaineer and a Philanthropist. Keep reading to know which asanas does she recommend.
Radhika Iyer
Yoga asanas offer so many different benefits; from relaxation to helping thyroid symptoms, it is overall amazing for the human body. One such benefit of yoga is fertility. The rate of infertility has gone up drastically in the past decade than ever before, and a large reason behind this is a lifestyle. We live a high-paced lifestyle that causes stress both emotional and physical. The food we eat is not very helpful either- there are chemicals in our food that can be potentially harmful to our reproductive system as well. Yoga is extremely helpful to combat this issue and become more fertile. With a focus on relaxation, blood circulation and opening/strengthening of the pelvic region, these yoga asanas will help you become more fertile:
Adho Mukha Svanasana:
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Begin in tabletop position, with your hands and knees on the floor.
Exhale and push your knees up, lifting your body and making a triangle. Gaze at your belly button and plant your feet on the floor. Hold for 8-10 breaths.
Cat cow pose:
Start in the tabletop position, on all fours. Keep your knees bent and elbows
straight. Next, exhale and raise your spine upwards while moving your head in. After 2 seconds, inhale and push your spine in while raising your head up. Do this for at least 10 counts.
Begin by lying down on your back. Inhale raise your legs up to 90 degrees. Exhale and gently, with the support of your hands, raise your back off the ground and balance on the shoulder. Then, take your legs behind your head, knees straight. Maintain this position for 8-10 breaths.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Lie down on your back and bend your knees, bringing them close to
your hips. Exhale and raise your pelvic region up, forming a gap between you and the floor. Hold this pose for 8-10 counts. Breathe normally while in the posture. Exhale and bring your pelvic region back down. Do this 8-10 times.
Sit down in vajrasana, with both your legs folded under your buttocks. Inhale and lift your hair up and exhale into a seated forward bend, touching your forehead on the floor and hands extended in front you. Stay for 8-10 counts in this posture.
Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and your back straight. Inhale
and raise your hands up, exhale and stretch your hand forward to grab your toes. Touch your chin to your shin. Hold for 8-10 breaths.
Utkata konasana:
Utkata konasana
Take your feet 3 feet apart and turn both feet at a 45degree angle. Press the
hips forward and knees back and bend lower from your pelvic region. Keeps your arms facing up and bent from the elbow. Hold this position for 8-10 breaths.
Lie down face down on your mat and keep your feet at hip-width length. Place
your arms next to your chest and palms next to the ear. Inhale and raise your chest upwards, rolling your shoulders back. Hold this pose for 8-10 breaths.
Supta badha konanasana:
Supta badha konanasana
Lie down on your back. Bend your legs from your knee, bringing your
feet together as your legs fall to the side. Relax your shoulders and place your hands on your abdomen in a heart shape. Stay in this position for at least 8-10 breaths.
Viparita karani:
Viparita karani
Lie down on your back and exhale. Lift and straighten your legs up against a wall
while relaxing your back and shoulders. Rest your hands away from the body with your palms facing up. Stay in this position for 8-10 breaths.
Remember to practice mindfulness when you do these asanas. Focus only on your breathing and being in the present moment. This will allow you to de-stress and relax, creating a healthier hormonal balance in your body. Practice these poses regularly to see the best results.